Serving Europe and Africa with 168 DC-3 and DC-4 flights

Flight schedules are from the 1950 timetable                                 Download the flights here

Sabena timetable and Africa poster



















George Blundell-Pound, DC3-1541, has again gifted DC-3 Airways with a superb, accurate, route structure. The Sabena Belgian Air Lines' route structure offered accurately represents the now-defunct airline's 1950 route structure. DC-3s and DC-4s will be needed to accommodate all 168 flights, which range in length from 23 NM to 1851 NM.

Sabena Belgian Air Lines should be OK for both FS9 and FSX.

Click here to view the European Route Map                       or                    here to view the African Route Map.

The high-quality documentation package,, matches the realism of the route structure. It contains an 82-page document with all of the flight information, an interesting history of Sabena Belgian Air Lines (including the derivation of the name "Sabena"), and many vintage pictures. The main zip file also contains the .PLN files for all of the flights.

For those who wish to enhance the fs9 African Scenery, a landclass file is available on both and The filename is, a 4 MB file by Jim Keir. That scenery file also covers portions of Southern Europe. I didn't find an FSX equivalent, but perhaps that default scenery is already superior to the fs9 version.

Thanks again to George Blundell-Pound for Sabena Belgian Air Lines and its 168 flights. It is a great piece of work.










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