Upstate New York Routes

Some notes on the Schedule

There are two schedule sections below for New York.

  1. Air-Mail Route 21 from Ernie Gann's Book, "Fate is the Hunter."

  2. Sixty regular-schedule flights throughout Upstate New York.


Pilots must earn their DC-3 Type Rating before selecting these flights

Upstate New York Region

Air-Mail Route 21
Flight #
AM21w Newark, NJ to
Wilkes-Barre, PA to
Syracuse, NY to
Rochester, NY to
Buffalo, NY to
Erie, PA to
Cleveland, OH
490 This is Air Mail Route 21 from Ernest Gann's Book, "Fate is the Hunter." It is a six-leg, VFR flight from Newark, N.J. across upstate New York to Cleveland, Ohio. Dead Reckoning Navigation Only ... No Radios. All check points are airports, so the pilotage is easy. Report the legs flown on each flight.

                                                                                      Download flight notes here.
AM21e Cleveland, OH to
Erie, PA to
Buffalo, NY to
Rochester, NY to
Syracuse, NY to
Wilkes-Barre, PA to
Newark. NJ
476 This is the east-bound AM21 flight, from Cleveland, Ohio to Newark, N.J. It is also a VFR flight, but at Dusk, and some Navaids are provided. Check points are either airports or NDBs, so the pilotage is easy. Report the legs flown on each flight.

                                                                                       Download flight notes here
Regular Schedule Routes

Click here to download information and flightplans for 60 flights for FS2000 through FS2004, although most should also work with FS98. Click the NY map to the left to see the routes.

Thanks to Bart Logan for creating Section 2 of this New York schedule including the FSNavigator flightplans and the documentation. Thanks also to Clif "CJ" Ramsey for kicking it off by submitting some New York State DC-3 flights from an early airline schedule.