Africa Relief

Goma International Airport (FZNA) to Katale Airport (FZNB), and then past Rutshuru (FZNC) and Rwindi (FZNR) to Lubero Airport (FZNF).

You're a pilot flying a DC-3 for a relief organization based in Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Flying in recent days has been made more challenging by Nyiragongo, an active volcano just north of Goma. Small eruptions of gas and volcanic ash create dangerous conditions for aircraft. Yet work must go on.

Today's early morning flight has you and your copilot delivering supplies to the airstrips at Katale (FZNB) and Lubero (FZNF). Katale is located 25 miles northeast of Goma, and Lubero is 70 miles further north. Management wants the DC-3 as far away from the volcano as possible today, so you're expected in Lubero at 6 A.M.