See the USA - Part 1

Circle the USA from northern Maine to upstate New York

The flights follow the 1940 US Civil Airways routes. Leg lengths vary from 21 NM to 166 NM. Those who wish longer flights may simply combine flights. The download includes high-resolution Civil Airways charts of the Eastern and Western half of the US.

The flights begin in northern Maine and end in upstate New York. Pilots should fly these flights in VFR weather, only. The use of both 'Real Weather' and any appropriate scenery files will significantly enhance your enjoyment of these flights.

These flights are suitable for both FS2004 and FS2002, and should also be OK with Flight Simulator FSX, although they could not be tested since that version has not yet been released.

You may fly these VFR flights in one of three ways:
1) Using only the information in the PDF Flight Description document.
2) Using the included FS Navigator Flight Plan as well as item 1 above.
3) Using the included low-power, 10 NM range "Helper" NDBs at each airport to aid in their location, in addition to items 1 and 2 above.